Coding Kata: Site Heartbeat in Elixir and Golang

Our today coding kata is a website heartbeat system. It checks the correct <title> for a bunch of domains. If a site is down, or the title is wrong, it should send a email. Of course it will do the job in parallel.

I’ll try it with Elixir and Go for fun and learning - and to have a bit of monitoring my sites.

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Parallel processing of CSV in Elixir and Golang

Our today coding kata is parallel processing of streamed CSV data from a file. I’ll try it with Elixir and Go for fun and learning.

TL;DR For Elixir, parallel_stream will win against Task.async and Poolboy for simplicity. In Golang it’s straightforward goroutines and sync.WaitGroup. Both runs fast and safe. And its a lot of fun.

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Benchmark Helloworld in Phoenix and Go

As a response of my update of “Benchmark Helloworld in different frameworks” yesterday, @chris_mccord gave me some hints on Twitter. So here we go.


  • using wrk instead of ab
  • log_level: :error + compile_time_purge_level: :error
  • disable CSRF while remove plug: protect_from_forgery
  • disable also plug :fetch_session and plug :fetch_flash (even we don’t use them on purpose for the test)
  • run more requests in sum to keep the machine busy long enough to see if the CPU usage is above 30% - thanks wrk support duration instead of requests
  • take the best of 3 runs
  • closing all other tools and apps

I’ll test (like before) on my MacBookPro 15” Mid 2010, 2,53 GHz i5, 8 GB DDR3, OS X El Capitan 10.11.2 and wrk 4.0.0.

TL;DR Go is still faster than Elixir. But remember .. apples and peaches.

[see also]

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Benchmark Helloworld in different frameworks #myelixirstatus [Update #3, now with Go]

When I started with Elixir and Phoenix I wanted to see with my own eyes the speed of functional approach and Erlang in comparing with other well known languages. I just want to compare the simplest possible “Hello world” in Javascript, PHP and Elixir.

Every implementation is benchmarked with the Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool ab. I run 1000 requests on 10 and 100 concurrent connections with ab -n 1000 -c 10 The return of “Hello world” ist quite enough but it differs a little bit from test to test. So no HTML, no pre/postprocessing or something. Well, its a bit “comparing apples with peaches”.

[see also]

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